OB Fire & Earth

It is a particular synthesis of bodywork, massage, dance, singing, and energetic work, inspired by the spiritual master Osho and his vision of the connection among body, mind and spirit, by Kahuna Abraham and the traditional Hawaiian temple massage, by the rituals of the indigenous people and by the north-American natives. This bodywork is a journey back to your origins, to your roots. Techniques of massage and of joint release that derive from Rebalancing, energetic work from different approaches and new massage strokes mix well with the Hawaiian Bodywork,

making “Oceanic Bodywork® Fire and Earth” an organic whole that can easily be learn. In a session, long and flowing massage strokes, deep massages on the connective tissue, gentle releases of the joints, dynamic energetic work, and the applying of volcanic hot stones are combined. Arms and lower arms are also used in the massage, along with hands. The training is proposed with 3 technical courses for overall 168 hours. For the professional training, practice and integrative courses that are provided by the National Associations must be added.
